PI-Maze Solver

Code for finding the shortest path from the centre to the exit of a square or pi maze.

Maze and solved Coordinates

The python code gives the solved location coordinates as the output which is sent via hotspot to a bot that uses these coordinates to solve the maze in realtime.

Sample Pi Maze:

Sample Square Maze:

The bot is equipped with a camera and is programmed to follow a laser light that is shown along the path of the solved points. The laser part is done using a 3-DOF arm. Depending on the x and y corrdinates , it is programmed to move and light up the particular coordinate in real time. The bot thus follows the laser to solve the maze.

Path guider 3 DOF arm

The arm is made using metal blocks and has 3 servo motors, out of which 2 are to control the rotation angle in x axis, rotation angle in y axis and another to rotate the laser across 360 degrees. As the servo control is only for 180 degrees, the base servo and the top servo act as a couple to achieve the 360 degree rotation for the laser beam. The arm is coded using Arduino IDE.

Laser Following Bot

The Laser Following Bot is equipped with a camera and a Pi which is coded using Python. OpenCV functions are used to detect the red colour contours for which centroid is found. Depending on the x and y coordinates of the centroid of the contour, the bot is programmed to move left or right accordingly. Thus the Bot is made to follow the laser.


This work secured us Completion Certificate and the spot of finalists for Eyantra -2016-2017.( i.e Top 32 in the 3000 participating teams)